Consultations - Tell us how our savings proposals would impact you
This consultation is now closed. We wanted to hear your views on savings proposals to bridge a projected budget gap of £9.406 million in 2025/26. -
Councillors will consider the consultation findings before the 2025/26 Budget setting meeting early next year.
Closing date
Wednesday 20 November -
The cost of delivering public services is rising. We are facing a budget gap of £9.406 million in 2025/26 rising to a projected £20.645 million by 2028/29. Some extremely difficult decisions will need to be made to balance our budget. We wanted to hear your views to help us decide our 2025/2026 spending plans. -
Survey to complete
Many thanks for giving your views. The survey is now closed.
Although we’ve already made significant savings over a number of years to ensure we meet our legal obligation to balance our budget, we still face a real shortfall between our funding and the cost of the services we deliver. What you told us, therefore, will help councillors understand the impact savings proposals will have on you and inform their final decisions.
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