Consultations - Midlothian Orbital Bus STAG follow up: prioritising buses
The consultation has now closed. We wanted to hear your views on how best to prioritise buses along four corridors in Midlothian:
• A6094 Whitecraig to A6094 Eskbank
• B6392 Eskbank to A772 Gilmerton Junction
• A7 Gorebridge to A7 Danderhall
• A6094 Eskbank to A701 Straiton
We will be sharing the outcome of this consultation just as soon as possible. Many thanks to everyone for filling in our survey.
Closing date
Monday 15 May 2023 -
This latest consultation follows on from a previous survey last summer. Then we asked you to tell us about problems and opportunities related to bus stops, park and ride facilities and existing bus priority measures, such as bus lanes, and potential bus priority options along the four corridors. Consultants have considered this feedback and come up with a series of options we'd like you to consider.
This consultation is part of a study called the Midlothian Orbital Bus STAG.
We are working with the regional transport partnership for South East Scotland, SEStran, and we’ve commissioned transport consultants AECOM to complete the study.
The Midlothian Orbital Bus STAG, which is funded through Transport Scotland’s Bus Partnership Fund (BPF), is being undertaken in accordance with the Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) process.
Contact details
If you have any questions about the study contact AECOM’s Project Manager David Mayne at
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