Support for young carers

Midlothian Young Carers Project

Are you a young person aged 5-25 years, who cares for a family member or relative experiencing:

  • a disability
  • ill health
  • a mental health condition
  • alcohol and/or drug misuse?

You could be considered as a Young Carer, and entitled to support from Midlothian Young Carers Project (MYCP).

Please contact us on: or Tel/txt: 07990 437 989.

The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016

The act not only defines who is a carer, but recognises the important and demanding role carers play in Scotland (both young and old). In recognition of this, the act aims to protect carers and ensure local authorities support carers in their locality.

In accordance with the Act, MYCP will:

  • Actively work to identify young carers up to the age of 25.
  • Offer a Young Carers Statement/ Adult Carer Support Plan to all carers identified.
  • Provide the relevant information and advice at the time of need for young carers.
  • Provide respite and breaks for young carers from their caring role.
  • Ensure young carers voices are heard and acted upon within their local young carers service.

What is a Young Carers Statement?

The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 states that local authorities must offer a Young Carer Statement if:

  • you tell us you are a young carer
  • we already know that you’re a young carer.

If you are at school, your school prepares the Young Carer Statement. For under 5’s, this is done by a health visitor or other professional.

If you care for someone and haven’t spoken to a professional, you can ask an adult you trust to ask for a Young Carer Statement for you.

The Young Carer Statement looks at the care that you give, and how it affects your life. We will talk to your parent/carer so they know about this assessment. 

It will be very useful if you could think about the types of tasks you do when caring for someone? and how it affects your health and the way you feel?

What happens when I leave school?

When you leave school, your caring responsibilities do not just disappear. The project, in conjunction with Vocal Carers Centre, provides support to young carers 16+ who are in transition from childhood to adulthood.

The project supports Young Adult Carers 16-25 to get the help they need to continue caring while achieving their own goals. This could be educational, emotional or social supports through one-to-ones and groups, accessing advice and information, respite and activity breaks as well as signposting to other services.

Adult Carer Support Plan

Once you leave school, you should be offered an ‘Adult Carer Support Plan (ACSP)’.

Like a Young Carer’s statement, this is where you discuss your caring role and what is important to you in your life. It lets others know what support you might need if you wish to continue caring, and what could help you to have a life alongside caring.

The plan is written down and sets out any needs you have and how they will be met, including agreed actions which become your Adult Carer Support Plan.

Support for Young Carers

Being a young carer can involve having a lot of responsibilities and can be tough on young people. You may find that you have little time to chill out, spend time with friends or may worry about the person(s) you care for.

MYCP understands this, and believes in the importance of young carers having respite and a break from their caring role. This is why we run free activities during all school holidays for young carers to have fun and meet other young carers like themselves.

During school term time we support young carers by providing:

  • 1-1 sessions for YC struggling in their caring role
  • Free tuition if studying at Nat 4/5 or Higher Level
  • Free Swimming Lessons
  • Free Learn to Ride Your Bike Lessons
  • YC Bike Group School Sessions

* Waiting lists are in use for term time support.

If you are a carer aged 16 – 25 years old, we can offer support in the following areas:

  • Financial Advice
  • 1:1 Support
  • Free Social events to meet other Young Carers
  • Assistance with applying for work, education or training

Short breaks from caring

A short break is any form of help which enables you to have periods away from your caring routines or responsibilities.

Our short breaks services statement is for carers who are providing unpaid care for someone living in Midlothian. It has lots of information about getting a break from caring.

Time2chill fund

  • For young people who provide care for someone in Midlothian
  • Allows young carers to take some time for themselves
  • Carers must be under 18

Apply for Time2chill

If you would like to speak to someone

Contact or 07790 437989.

More information

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