
Drop-in to one of our fostering events

Angela fostering small

Drop-in to our fostering events to find out more about how you can change the life of a child or a young person by fostering. We're looking for people from all walks of life but you must have a spare room.

Our fostering team will be on hand  for an informal chat about the training, allowances, pay and ongoing support offered by the council.

Come along on:

  • Wednesday 19 February, 11am - 1pm in the library area at  Danderhall Community Hub,  59 Edmonstone Road, Danderhall, EH22 1QL
  • Wednesday 19 February, 4pm - 7pm in the foyer area at Penicuik Leisure Centre, Carlops Road, Penicuik EH26 9EP

If you want more information about the events or fostering: