Inspections of building work
Dealing with inspection faults
Outstanding faults
At a key stage inspection, the case surveyor may find that work has been done to the approved plans and specification, but that there are constructional faults or issues.
Where faults or issues are found, the case surveyor will:
- at the end of the inspection, tell you or your builder on site the outstanding faults or issues.
- as soon as possible, issue a faults letter detailing the faults or issues, and, where appropriate, indicate the measures required by the Building Regulations to remedy the situation.
The inspection faults letter is issued to you and your agent (if applicable), and will set a timescale for the faults to be addressed.
Remedial works
Once you receive an inspection faults letter, you should arrange for the faults to be fixed. When the remedial work is complete, please contact the case surveyor to arrange another inspection. Contact details for each case surveyor are on all correspondence we send.
Follow-up inspection
Once you have advised the case surveyor that the outstanding faults or issues have been addressed on site, where relevant, a follow-up inspection will be undertaken. The follow-up inspection will check on the outstanding faults or issues, but may also check other elements detailed in your Construction Compliance Notification Plan (CCNP).
For certain faults, instead of a follow-up inspection, we may accept photographic or other evidence that the issues have been resolved. If this is the case, details will be confirmed in the faults letter.