Public safety
Other public safety services
Midlothian Building Standards provide a range of other services, including:
1. Licensing
We provide technical expertise directly to Midlothian Council's Licensing Committee on the suitability of premises such as:
- restaurants,
- public houses,
- places of entertainment, and
- premises to be used for the solemnisation of marriages.
We consider the suitability of premises for access for the disabled, design occupancy, means of escape and general condition relative to the Licensing (Scotland) Acts.
This work often requires close liaison between Midlothian Building Standards and other parties including the Fire Authority and Environmental Health.
2. Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
A House in Multiple Occupation covers shared accommodation such as:
- bedsits,
- lodgings,
- bed and breakfast accommodation and
- other communal accommodation such as student residences and hostels.
Midlothian Building Standards inspects HMOs with regard to warrantable work, and directly advises Midlothian Council's Licensing Committee on the suitability of the premises, in accordance with Scottish Government's Guidance on HMOs.
3. Disability issues
The Building (Scotland) Act 2003 requires that buildings are designed and constructed with suitable access, egress and facilities for the disabled. We attend and support the Midlothian Disability Access Panel, which is a forum for the needs of people with disabilities in Midlothian.
4. Other activities
Some of the other activities Midlothian Building Standards is involved in are:
- Energy efficiency
- Emergency planning
If you need information or advice on any specific part of our services, please contact us at this office.