Licensing board
We are responsible for regulating the sale of alcohol to the public, and certain gambling activities. We do this by issuing alcohol licenses, and betting and gaming licences and permits.
Opening hours
- Mondays and Tuesdays: 9am - 5pm
- Wednesdays: 11:15am - 5pm
- Thursdays: 9am - 5pm
- Fridays: 9am - 2pm
View membership details and meeting dates
Licensing Board Policy review
Midlothian Licensing Board is currently reviewing the Licensing Board Policy. The policy not only outlines how the board operates, but also the board’s expectations of both licence holders and applicants.
As there have been no substantive changes in how the board operates since the previous review, the draft policy reflects the terms of the existing policy, which you can read below.
The review period ran until 20 November 2023.
All comments received will be presented to the licensing board for consideration.
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