Inconsiderate parking

Finding a parking space outside your home has never been harder, because there have never been so many cars on the road!

None of us has a specific right to park in front of our home on a public road. Where and how you park affects your neighbours. Many disputes about residential parking have to be resolved by mediation. To avoid this, consider your neighbours and other road users when you park.

Examples of bad parking

Inconsiderate parking 1Inconsiderate parking 2
Parking on a footpath, and parking too close to a junction.

Inconsiderate parking 3Inconsiderate parking 4
Blocking a driveway, and parking in a disabled space.

The message for everyone is simple: "THINK BEFORE YOU PARK". Your actions may affect the safety of other road users.

Some simple rules

  • Never park across a driveway. Leave enough space either side of the drive for a car to manoeuvre in and out. If you cannot get in or out of your driveway because a vehicle is obstructing it, contact your local police station. The police can enforce a case of obstruction whether or not there's a painted access protection line. This will not be treated as an emergency, so it may take some time for the police to get there.
  • If possible avoid parking opposite a driveway as it may also obstruct access to it. Before you leave your vehicle, ask yourself "could I get in or out of that driveway?"
  • If possible avoid parking within 10 metres of a junction. It may block visibility for motorists emerging from a side road.
  • Do not park works vans and lorries outside your home. If possible, leave them at a place of work, or parked off-street with the land owner’s permission.

Parking restrictions in residential areas

We will not provide single or double yellow lines where the street is primarily residential, when problems are caused by other residents, or there's only an occasional parking issue. Sometimes if there are serious road safety issues or if bin collections are being affected by on street parking, then waiting restrictions will be considered.

The police have authority to remove a vehicle causing obstruction, even when there are no yellow lines.

Parking on footways

It is illegal to drive on a footway or to obstruct a footway with a vehicle. By parking partly or wholly on the footway, you are blocking access for the most vulnerable pedestrians: including children, the elderly, the visually impaired, parents with prams, and wheelchair users. It might seem that you are keeping the road clear or protecting your vehicle, but pedestrians may be at risk by having to walk in the road.

Disabled parking places

Disabled parking places are for blue badge holders only. It is an offence to park in, or encroach on, a disabled space without a blue badge (up to £1000 fine), or if it is not displayed (£30 fixed penalty fine).

"End on" and "parallel" parking

Ensure that when you park, you don't take up 2 parking spaces. Be careful to allow enough space to manoeuvre in/out of the space. Space is at a premium in residential streets, so please park considerately.

Bin collection days

If you have a driveway please park your vehicle off the road on collection day.

Never park in the turning head in a cul de sac.

"The school run"

Here are some simple rules for when driving your child to school:

  • Leave early enough to park where it won't create a problem for other children.
  • Drop your child off where they can safely walk a short distance to school. Some schools have designated pupil drop-off zones. Never leave your car in a drop-off zone.
  • Only park in disabled parking spaces if either you or your child has a blue badge.
  • Never park on school zig-zags. It blocks visibility for children and school crossing guides, and for other motorists seeing the children crossing.
  • Never park on footpaths. It can force pedestrians onto the road. The Scottish Government is in the process of making it an offence to park on a footpath.
  • Never park across a resident’s access/driveway.
  • Never park across "dropped kerb" crossing points at junctions. It causes difficulty for prams and wheelchairs.
  • Never park on yellow lines. They have been painted wherever parking can cause problems for other road users.

If you break any of these rules you are putting other children attending the school at risk. How would you feel if your child was at risk?