School bus pick up times

Primary schools

Open route map

Cuiken PS - 900

Pick up point Time
Fallhills Court 08:15hr
Tipperwell Way 08:19hr
Opposite Howgate Inn 08:22hr
Roseview Farm Steading - top of A6094 08:24hr
Ardoigh 08:26hr
Liongate 08:27hr
Whim peat, Springfield Road 08:30hr

Cuiken PS - 901

Pick up point Time
Tipperwell Way 08:35hr

Danderhall PS - 211

Pick up point Time
A6106 at speed camera 08:28hr
Baronet Park 08:30hr
Wymet Gardens 08:32hr
Millerhill 08:34hr

Roslin PS - 701

Pick up point Time
A702 Howgate Farm 08:20hr
Glencourse Kennels/Belwood Road 08:24hr
Taylor Wimpy show homes on Belwood Road 08:26hr
Old Dalmore path/terrace entrance to estate bottom of hill 08:28hr
The Glencourse Centre car park Auchendinny 08:30hr

Tynewater PS - 801

Pick up point Time
Cousland Park House 08:05hr
Hillside Cottages Road end 08:25hr
Hadfast Road Railings/junction for Village Hall 08:27hr
Castle View Road end 08:30hr

Tynewater PS - 802

Pick up point Time
Layby at Soutra Café 08:10hr
Corner Fala Dam Road & B6457 08:20hr
Fla Dam - near junction with Salters Road 08:20hr
New Farm Cottages/Whitburgh Mains 08:25hr
Keepers Lodge Junction 08:35hr

Tynewater PS - 803

Pick up point Time
Elizabeth Dickson Gardens 08:20hr
Bus stop on Edgehead Road, near house 41/43 08:25hr
Southside Farm entrance 08:30hr
3 Oxenfoord Home Farm Cottages 08:35hr
Bottom of the hill, Ford 08:40hr