Local Place Plans

Invitations to prepare Local Place Plans

In early 2023, Midlothian Council issued an invitation to known community bodies to prepare Local Place Plans.

8 Local Place Plans were registered by Midlothian Council at its Planning Committee on 4 June 2024.

What are Local Place Plans?

The Scottish Government has introduced Local Place Plans as a way for communities to help achieve change in their local area.  Local Place Plans will allow community bodies to set out their own proposals for the development or use of land in their area. 

Local Place Plans provide an opportunity for communities to contribute to development planning in their area. They are a tool for local communities to think about how to make their 'place' better, agree priorities, and work with others to make change happen.

Why have Local Place Plans?

Local Place Plans were introduced by The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 (Section 14) which contains a new right for communities to produce these plans as part of the new Scottish planning system.  The aim is to further public engagement and involvement in local planning.

A community can use a Local Place Plan to:

  • set out its vision for the development of a single place, building or wider geographical area
  • highlight issues that are specific to that area, and suggest ways they can be tackled
  • influence the content of the next Midlothian Local Development Plan.

Who can develop a Local Place Plan?

Community bodies can develop Local Place Plans.  This means either:

When is this happening?

Midlothian Council began work on the next Midlothian Local Development Plan in early 2023.  At this stage the Council invited communities in the Midlothian Council area to prepare Local Place Plans.

What's involved?

In preparing a Local Place Plan, a community body must fully comply with the legal requirements contained in:

They must also:

  • take account of the Midlothian Local Development Plan (LDP) and the National Planning Framework (NPF) and a locality plan (if that exists) for the area to which a proposed LPP relates
  • set out their reasons for considering that the LDP should be amended - any changes suggested would need to be picked up on the production of the next LDP
  • comply with requirements on the form and content of the Local Place Plan and the steps to be taken before preparing a plan.

The Frequently Asked Questions section provides further information on the content of Local Place Plans and preparation of them.  Further information can be obtained from the Council's Planning, Sustainable Growth and Investment Service.

What happens to Local Place Plans?

Midlothian Council is required to take into account Local Place Plans it receives and registers when preparing their new Local Development Plan for Midlothian (MLDP2). To allow this to happen, community bodies need to submit Local Place Plans to the Council by 31 October 2023.  However, if the LPP is not ready by this date, please forward a draft version, which outlines the proposed content structure and submit a final version by 31 March 2024.

What help can communities get with Local Place Plans?