Wedding venues
Popular venues for civil ceremonies
We have a list of venues in Midlothian which are popular with couples for ceremonies. First check the availability of the venue, then arrange the ceremony with the registrar's office.
Frequently used venues in Midlothian:
- Registration Office, Old Fairfield House, Dalkeith (maximum capacity 30 people)
- Arniston House, Gorebridge
- Bonnyrigg Masonic Lodge
- Borthwick Castle, North Middleton, Gorebridge
- Dalhousie Castle Hotel, Bonnyrigg
- Dalkeith Miners Welfare Social Club
- Dean Tavern, Newtongrange
- Kings Acre Golf Club, Lasswade
- Kirkhill Mansion, Gorebridge
- Loanhead Miners Charitable Society
- Mayfield Community Club
- Melville Castle, Lasswade
- Newbattle Abbey College, Dalkeith
- Newhall Estate, Carlops
- Old Original Hotel, Roslin
- Oxenfoord Castle, Pathhead
- National Mining Museum, Newtongrange
- Secret Herb Garden, Damhead
- Stair Arms Hotel, Ford, Pathhead
- The Sun Inn, Newbattle
- Newbattle Golf Club
- The Restoration Yard, Dalkeith
- The Craigie hotel, Penicuik
Alternative venues
You can also have your ceremony at a venue of your choice if a location assessment takes place beforehand. There is a fee of £61.00 for this service. The registrar will visit the venue to assess its suitability.
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