Polling districts and polling places review 2024

Ward 3 - Dalkeith

Existing and proposed arrangements including Returning Officer comments

Polling places Polling district Returning Officer comments Proposal

Danderhall Leisure Centre
Newton Church Road
EH22 1LU

MN3A This leisure centre was closed shortly after the last review and since then electors have voted at the newly built Danderhall Community Hub at Edmonstone Road.  This has worked well. Electors in MN3A will now vote at Danderhall Community Hub located at 59 Edmonstone Road, Danderhall

St John's & King's Park Church
31 Eskbank Road
EH22 2AT

MN3B Suitable polling district and polling place No change to polling place and district

Dalkeith Miners' Club
Woodburn Road
EH22 2AT

MN3C Suitable polling district and polling place No change to polling place and district

Dalkeith Campus
1 Cousland Road
EH22 2PS

MN3E Suitable polling district and polling place No change to polling place and district

Maps of Ward 3 - Dalkeith

Get in touch

Let us know what you think about the proposed changes. Email your views by Monday 8 July to:

The home page of the consultation  has more information about the proposals, where to find paper copies and how to contact us if you would rather not email.