Free school meals and clothing grants

Free school meals

All children in Primary 1 to 5 receive free school meals.

From Primary 6 children from low-income families can have 1 free meal each day they attend school. They may also be able to apply for free meals during school holidays and strike action.

Support with school uniform

All low-income families can apply for support with school uniform. This is paid in regular payments throughout the year.

  • £120 for primary pupils per year
  • £150 for secondary pupils per year

Apply for support

Who does not need to apply

You may not need to apply as we contact families automatically in July if they get:

  • Midlothian Council Housing Benefit or Council Tax reduction
  • and either
    • Income Support
    • Income based Job Seekers Allowance
    • Employment and Support Allowance

Who does need to apply

If you do not receive a letter in July you will need to apply at the start of the new school year. You can apply for a child or if you are aged 16-18 and live on your own you can apply for yourself.

Criteria Evidence required
Universal Credit, with monthly Take Home Pay up to £796 Online journal full statement including your Take Home Pay
Child Tax Credit only, with annual income up to £19,995 HMRC Award letter 2024/25
Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit, with annual income up to £9,552 HMRC Award letter 2024/25
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 TC602 letter

You can only apply for the current school year. Please DO NOT apply for the next school year in August as your application will not be processed.

Apply for free school meals and clothing grant