Further progress on regenerating Dalkeith town centre
Midlothian Council is pressing ahead with proposals to regenerate Dalkeith town centre after councillors approved spending to update the masterplan for the area and the business case for the improvements.
Needs have changed
Councillors heard that while much of the technical work that went into the existing 2016 masterplan is still relevant, some of the key requirements have changed.
Desire to replace the library
For example, there’s no longer a need for a new council headquarters, creating space for alternative uses and reducing the need for car parking, while there is also a desire to replace the library and have community facilities in the town centre.
Focus on housing led regeneration
And with a focus on housing led regeneration of town centres, the council’s climate change target to be carbon neutral by 2030 and changes to how we live and work because of the pandemic, an update of the existing plan is needed.
Communities will be involved
Midlothian Council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for communities, Councillor Russell Imrie stressed communities would be involved in shaping a new future for Dalkeith.
A refreshed vision
He said: “Much has changed, especially since Covid and we need to be confident a refreshed vision for Dalkeith reflects local people’s needs, priorities and what’s important to them.
People staying local
“For example, people are tending to stay local, are relying on local facilities and looking for more opportunities to walk and cycle. This could have far reaching effects, enhancing the role of local neighbourhoods and the town centre while creating jobs, improving the local economy and helping address climate change.”
£60,000 approved to spend
As well as the approved £60,000 spend, a further £20,000 for the project will come from the housing revenue account.