Give us your view on new Mayfield Community Campus

Find out more about plans for the proposed new Mayfield Community Campus at a drop-in meeting to be held at Mayfield Primary School on Tuesday 20 June between 4.30pm and 8.30pm. 

View designs

The meeting will give you the opportunity to give your views on the proposed design of the campus and facilities.

Replacing schools

The new campus will replace Mayfield and St Luke’s primary schools. In addition, the campus will have 120 Early Years places and 48 Additional Support Needs (ASN) places.

Community use

Local people and groups will also be able to use the campus’ indoor sports halls, meeting rooms, community spaces, outdoor pitches and recreational areas.

Consultation process

The meeting is the second in the Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) consultation process. The PAN has been submitted to the council’s planning service by the developer to advise how they intend to engage with the community about the proposal. This allows the community to put their views directly to the developer before a planning application is submitted.

Can't attend?

If you can’t attend this public meeting but would like to express your views on the proposed new Mayfield Community Campus, please email

12 Jun 2023