Council marks Foster Care Fortnight with new recruitment drive

Foster Care Fortnight 2024

Midlothian Council is launching its new recruitment campaign for foster carers today, the start of Foster Care Fortnight.  Listen in to our Radio Forth adverts and watch our video interviews with carers on Facebook and Twitter. 

From all walks of life

Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Councillor Ellen Scott said she was looking forward to welcoming people from all walks of life who may be considering joining our foster care team.

Join our fostering family

She said: “Our carers are our best advert on the joys and rewards that come with joining our much-valued fostering family.

Offering loving, stable homes

“They do a wonderful job, offering a loving, caring and stable home to children and young people who are unable to live within their own family setting.  Foster carers also offer a safe and caring home to unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people who have been relocated to Midlothian.

Make a difference

“We invite you to watch and listen out for the campaign and would encourage anyone who is thinking they could make a difference to a child or young person either on a short term or a long term basis to contact our family centred care team for an initial discussion.  

Need a spare room

“Our team are ready and waiting to share the many benefits and hear what you may be able to offer.  We are always looking out for foster carers, so whatever your circumstances, you might be surprised how you can help and offer care to young people looking for a home. All we ask is you have a spare room and a commitment to changing a young person’s life for the better.” 

Karen and Alan

Among the foster carers featuring in the campaign are Karen Westbrook and Alan Fletcher. Karen and Alan look after children and young people for short stays. 

Love doing activities

Karen said: “We’re both ex teachers so it’s nice to relate back to the kids.” She said they love activities like crafting, baking and football with the young people in their care, some of whom are emergency placements.

Safe haven

One 13-year-old boy from Afghanistan had been travelling without his family for six months to get to safety.

Thorough approval process

Karen and Alan agree the process to become a carer is very thorough, with much of the training continuing after being approved. However, they are very glad they chose to foster with Midlothian Council.

Recommend it

Karen said: “We’d absolutely recommend it. We can’t do it full-time but being able to choose when we foster and having that flexibility, is great. Midlothian is very accommodating and there’s lots of support.” 

In the picture

Karen and Alan are pictured with Councillor Ellen Scott in the centre.

13 May 2024