Midlothian Council marks Volunteers’ Week 2024
2024 marks the 40th year of Volunteers’ Week, when Midlothian Council will join other Scottish Local Authorities, plus thousands of charities and voluntary organisations in recognising the contribution volunteers make across Scotland.
Annual Midlothian Volunteer Awards
Locally, volunteering is recognised through the Annual Midlothian Volunteer Awards ceremony organised by Volunteer Midlothian. Midlothian Council is proud to sponsor the Service to the Community Award and is looking forward to joining the celebrations at Newbattle Abbey College on Thursday 6th June 2024.
Focus on Community Councils
This Volunteers’ Week, Midlothian Council is shining a light on the invaluable contributions and positive impact Community Councils have on their local areas.
The 15 Community Councils and the Midlothian Federation of Community Councils are made up of local people, who represent their communities on a voluntary basis, and are supported by Midlothian Council.
Improving Local Communities
Community Councils bring local people together to identify community improvements and make things happen. Community Councillors can advise, petition, influence and advocate numerous causes on behalf of their local community.
Community councillors also learn a lot about what is going on in their community by working, co-operating and sharing information with the Local Authority, NHS Lothian and Police Scotland. They then share these findings with their communities as well as feed in their communities’ concerns and suggestions too.
Get involved
If you are a Midlothian resident over 16 years old and would like to find out more or get involved, then please contact: CLL@midlothian.gov.uk.
Influencing Local Priorities
Robert Hogg, chair of the Midlothian Federation of Community Councils said: “Community Council and Federation members give many hours of their time to read and comment on local and national documents, influence policy, and respond to issues brought to them by their local community.
“They also keep up to date on relevant legislation, attend training and sit on various boards and committees to keep informed and up to date on local and national issues.
Strengthening links with Community Councils
“In the recent CLD Inspection Report by Education Scotland, it was noted that: ‘The communication between council departments and the Federation of Community Councils, its sub-groups and local Community Councils is improving. This has strengthened links with the planning and roads departments, resulting in earlier engagement and improved communication with communities.’
“As chair of the Federation I would like to thank all of those involved for their time, enthusiasm and commitment.”
Volunteer Contributions Recognised
Annette Lang, Group Service Manager (Community Planning and CLLE) for Midlothian Council, said: “Midlothian Council would like to thank all volunteers and recognise the value of their time, passion and skills. Volunteers make a crucial difference to making life better with their local communities in Midlothian.
“As well as a crucial opportunity to thank volunteers and recognise their contributions, Volunteers’ Week also acts as a chance to inspire others to give volunteering a go too.
Improve Your Local Neighbourhood
“This year we are highlighting Community Councils and encouraging all those who care passionately about their local areas to consider volunteering as a Community Councillor.
“Community Councils are one of the strongest means of becoming involved with your local area and improving your neighbourhood.”
Volunteer Scotland Chief Executive, Alan Stevenson said “Volunteers are the lifeblood of Scottish communities and what better time to recognise the diversity of our volunteers and celebrate the difference that volunteering makes in Scotland and across the UK than the 40th Anniversary of Volunteers’ Week!”