Nearly £500,000 of Cost of Living supports

Midlothian Council is to commit almost half a million pounds of Scottish Government Covid recovery funding to helping residents struggling with the cost of living.

Approved spending

At the full Council meeting today (Tuesday), councillors approved spending of £462,500.

Central food storage scheme

New commitments include £65,000 to set up a central food storage pilot in Midlothian where pantries can bulk buy, store and access goods. Centralising food and stock donations will help drive down costs and make sure goods are spread equally across the county. The funding also includes the costs of hiring an industrial unit and employing a part-time development worker to oversee the project.

Maximising people's income

A further £64,000 will be spent on continuing to fund two full-time equivalent income maximisation officers at Penicuik and Dalkeith Citizens Advice Bureaux for a year.  Councillors heard in 2023/24 the two officers helped clients secure £269,416 of income to which they were entitled.

Working with trusted partners

Meanwhile, an extra £64,000 will go on expanding what’s known as the trusted partner model to primary schools. This is a network of partner agencies working in communities who support families and individuals in emergencies and crises.

Discretionary funding

And a further £10,000 will be spent on discretionary funding to, for example, help people pay for bus tickets to allow them to travel for training, job interviews and to food pantries.

Warm and Well hubs

Councillors agreed to continue funding existing cost of living supports, including the four Warm and Well hubs in libraries offering a warm space and free soup, bread and hot drinks.

Helping people find work

They were also updated on progress made to tackle poverty by helping people into work and training.

300 parents supported

Successes include using the Scottish Government’s Parental Employability Support Fund (PESF) to support 300 parents, 80 of whom found jobs, progressed in their job or became self-employed. A total of 121 of the parents achieved 275 qualifications, with 36.78% of parents achieved work related accredited qualifications.

No One Left Behind

The No One Left Behind Scottish Government Employability Funding stream is also helping support 255 young people and adults in Midlothian, 32 of whom have now got jobs, eleven are in college, 75 have gained qualification a further seven young people with disabilities are being given intensive support to help them into employment.

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25 Jun 2024