Give your views on polling places

We want to hear your views on the places we intend to use for polling stations in future elections to make sure the buildings are accessible to everyone.

New places needed

Some polling places are also no longer available. 

Want to hear from everyone

All comments are welcome, in particular from people with a disability or organisations with expertise in accessing buildings. 

Maps and more details

Get in touch

Give your views by emailing

Suggest alternatives

If possible, please give alternative places that could be used as polling places.

Next steps

The closing date for responses is Friday 25 October 2024. Councillors will consider all responses at a meeting on Tuesday 12 November 2024. 

New scheme will be re-published

The Electoral Registration Officer will re-publish the Electoral Register to incorporate the new scheme of polling districts and polling places, if required, in December 2024. 

Or write to us

If you prefer to write to us with your views, please send to the address below:

Election Team
Midlothian House 
Midlothian Council
40-46 Buccleuch Street
EH22 1 DN 

23 Sep 2024