Council Leader calls for an end to gender-based violence

Partners across Midlothian and East Lothian have joined forces to tackle gender-based violence as part of a worldwide campaign.

United front

16 days of Activism runs from 25 November, which is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, until Human Rights Day on 10 December. Throughout the 16 days, individuals and organisations around the world unite to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.

A better Scotland

The theme for 2024 is Imagine a Scotland without Violence Against Women and Girls.  

Significant problem

Midlothian Council’s Leader Councillor Kelly Parry said: “As a council we wholeheartedly support this nationwide campaign. Violence against women is a significant problem in our society which must be tackled.

Partnership working

“Last year Midlothian’s Community Planning Partnership approved The Equally Safe in Midlothian Strategy. This strategy is a great step forward in demonstrating Midlothian’s commitment to preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls. 

Everyone's responsibility

“However more needs to be done. Each and every one of us who works and lives in Midlothian has a responsibility in challenging and tackling gender inequality and working together to improve outcomes for some of the most vulnerable people and communities in Midlothian.

Heavy toll

“Gender based violence takes a heavy toll on its victims both emotionally and physically. It is estimated that domestic abuse also costs the Scottish public purse £2.3 billion and violence against women and girls costs Scotland £4 billion.”

Local support

In Midlothian and East Lothian, activities are being led by East Lothian and Midlothian Public Protection Committee (EMPPC) which brings together East and Midlothian Councils, NHS Lothian, Police Scotland, Edinburgh Rape Crisis and Women’s Aid East and Midlothian.

Events for professionals

Local events organised as part of the 2024 campaign include online sessions for professionals about why we need to reframe masculinity and how to engage with young people about misogyny.
25 Nov 2024