Council nominate councillor for Newbyres Community Trust Board

Midlothian Council agreed today (17 December) to nominate Councillor Douglas Bowen to represent the council on the Board of Trustees of the Newbyres Community Trust. This follows the resignation of Councillor Ellen Scott from the Board in November as she hopes to take up a volunteering role within the Trust.  

Promoting public participation in sport

The Newbyres Community Trust works to promote public participation in sport in the Gorebridge and district communities by identifying and improving sporting, recreational, environmental, health and emotional opportunities. It aims to help people to pursue a better quality of life by promoting access to positive physical and mental health support. It also works with local community groups and health organisations to offer information on topics such as healthy eating.

Board constitution

There are 12 charity trustees on the Board and as part of the group’s constitution, one of these trustees should be an elected local councillor. The Board hold regular meetings, and generally control the activities of the organisation.


Councillor Douglas Bowen said: “I am delighted to be the council’s representative on the Newbyres Community Trust Board and look forward to working with the Trust to promote their work in the community.”

17 Dec 2024