Contractor appointed for project to relocate Beeslack
Councillors have approved the appointment of Morgan Sindall Group for the project to relocate Beeslack Community High School.
Technical designs and costings
The fit out and construction group will complete technical designs and costings for the new school, which will sit on land adjacent to the University of Edinburgh’s Easter Bush.
Latest milestone
Midlothian Council Leader Councillor Kelly Parry said: “Having progressed our agreement with the university to buy the land for the school and approved the new catchment changes, we’re delighted to announce this latest milestone – the appointment of the Phase I contractor.
Designs tested and priced
“We’re looking forward to Morgan Sindall Group delivering designs that can be tested and priced to make sure the project can produce an inspiring learning and community space that comes in on budget.”
Capacity for up to 1600 pupils
With capacity for up to 1600 pupils, the Beeslack replacement school will be a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) Centre of Excellence.
STEM Centre for Excellence
It will offer a high-quality learning environment, where pupils can take advantage of the STEM expertise on its doorstep. The university’s Easter Bush is a world-leading research and innovation campus specialising in animal biosciences, agritech, veterinary medicine and medicine.
Additional Support Needs provision
New Additional Support Needs (ASN) provision will be able to accommodate up to 40 young people with severe and medically complex needs. ASN facilities will include a hydrotherapy pool, sensory garden, suitable changing facilities and accessible playground equipment and space.
Swimming pool and community facilities
Built to Scottish Government energy-efficient standards meaning it will have low carbon emissions, it will also have a swimming pool and community facilities, including an artificial sports pitch and grass pitches.
Catchments agreed
After the statutory catchment consultation, in 2024 councillors approved realigning the school’s catchment to include Loanhead and Paradykes Primary Schools' catchment areas. Mauricewood and Glencorse Primary Schools' catchment areas will be realigned to Penicuik High School catchment.