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Profile of Midlothian

Download the latest Midlothian Community Planning Partnership Profile document
  • Search results

    2018 Midlothian Profile of alcohol related harm. Appendix 1 Intermediate geography area maps. File type: PDF; Size: 4.26 MB. ...
  • Participatory Budgeting | Participatory budgeting

    Open up government by encouraging residents to play a greater role in spending decisions. Improve services and service delivery by enabling residents to express ...
  • Tell us about your event | Organising an event

    In the meantime, read the guidance to help with your planning: Event licences · Health and safety · Selecting and training stewards · Road closures, traffic ...
  • Search results

    Table 15: Estimated population change in Midlothian from 2018 to 2028,. Data Source: Midlothian Council Area Profile ( Area. 2018. 2028.
  • Object or comment on an application

    Objections and representations must be in writing. Send them to the Midlothian Licensing Board at the address below, or email The ...
  • Search results

    Apr 23, 2018 ... Data within this profile has been collated from a number of sources, including Police Scotland crime records, NHS data, Midlothian Council and ...
  • Alcohol licences - open applications

    Alcohol licences - open applications. View the list of open applications under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 for a: Premises licence ...
  • Deanburn Allotments | Allotments

    The Community Empowerment Scotland Act 2015 required us to produce an allotment and food growing strategy. The strategy identifies new housing developments ...
  • Midlothian Profile 2023/24

    Table 15: Estimated population change in Midlothian from 2018 to 2028,. Data Source: Midlothian Council Area Profile ( Area. 2018. 2028.
  • Search results

    Community Planning structure and profile. Community Planning structure ... Request this file in another format such as large print, Braille or in a different ..