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You searched for procurement

Results 61 – 70 of about 486.

  • Midlothian Council Tuesday 19 December 2017 UNISON's Ethical ...

    Dec 19, 2017 ... If a review group is established by UNISON then resource from procurement and planning officer would be required within the remit of their ...
  • Procurement and Commercial Improvement Programme (PCIP ...

    May 28, 2019 ... Procurement and Commercial Improvement Programme (PCIP). Report by Gary Fairley, Head of Finance and Integrated Service Support. 1. Purpose of ...
  • Corporate Solutions Performance Report Quarter Two 21/22

    Legal and Procurement Services Priorities. • Refresh the Procurement Strategy and fundamentally review and reshape the Procurement Service. • Implement the ...
  • Corporate Solutions Performance Report Quarter Two 2020/21

    Procurement Strategy. The procurement function has a central role in supporting the Council to achieve its strategic priorities within a constrained ...
  • Midlothian Year 4 Child Poverty Report 21/22

    The working group is led jointly by Midlothian. Council and NHS Lothian, working alongside key services such as Housing, Education, Social Security. Scotland, ...
  • Finance and Integrated Service Support Service Plan 2018 - 2019

    Mar 13, 2018 ... Procurement Strategy a) Procurement Strategy updated to ensure compliance with Procurement Scotland. Reform Act; b) New 2-Year Contract ...
  • Internal Audit Performance Report - Overdue actions

    with Procurement Services to review the current process and ensure that the. Council's process, such as the submission of non-competitive action forms, is.
  • Finance and Integrated Support Service Performance Report 2017/18

    Oct 10, 2017 ... 4: Procurement - Achievements a) Procurement Strategy updated to ensure compliance with Procurement Scotland Reform Act; b) New 2-Year ...
  • Finance and Integrated Service Support Performance Report 15/16

    d) Deliver actions from Procurement Strategy 2015-18 by creating a Procurement Strategy Board and deliver actions on time e) Achieve Living Wage ...
  • 20/21 - Place and Corporate Solutions Covid insights

    Procurement Strategy. The procurement function has a central role in supporting the Council to achieve its strategic priorities within a constrained ...