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You searched for procurement

Results 81 – 90 of about 505.

  • Midlothian Year 4 Child Poverty Report 21/22

    Developing strategic engagement with areas such as procurement, housing, transport, revenues and economic development continue to be viewed as crucial to ...
  • Midlothian Council Quarter Three 2022/23

    Following the motion to Council in 2019, in January 2020 the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) agreed to make meeting the. Climate Emergency target of ' ...
  • Finance and Integrated Service Support Performance Report for ...

    Financial Stewardship and Sustainability - Achievements a) Completion of Q2 Financial Monitoring reports to Council as part of the robust scrutiny of ...

    May 22, 2024 ... Stage. Definition. Initiating. Project Brief or Business Case being developed. Scoping meetings being held. Planning.
  • Finance and Integrated Service Support Performance Report ...

    Mar 31, 2019 ... 4: Procurement - Achievements a) Procurement Strategy 2018-2023 and Annual Procurement report approved at August Council; b) All contracts ...
  • Finance and Integrated Service Support Performance Report ...

    Sep 30, 2018 ... 4: Procurement - Achievements a) Procurement Strategy updated to ensure compliance with Procurement Scotland Reform Act; b) All contracts ...
  • Finance and Integrated Service Support Annual Performance Report ...

    Financial Stewardship. Achievements a) Set a balanced budget for 2015/16 and approved revised general services capital plan with investment of. £75,181m.
  • Midlothian Council Annual Performance Report - 2022/23

    By working together as a Community Planning Partnership, individuals and communities will be able to lead healthier, safer, and greener lives by 2030.
  • Finance and Integrated Service Support Service Plan 2019-20

    Mar 4, 2019 ... Procurement Strategy. • Procurement Strategy 2018-2023 and Annual Procurement report approved at. August Council;. • All contracts delivered on ...
  • Finance and Integrated Service Support - Performance Report 15/16

    Jun 30, 2016 ... Challenges and Actions a) Develop budget projections, the impact of the Council Transformation Programme and the financial implications of.