Wellbeing in Midlothian

February Trekker Walk

Our Trekker Walks return in 2025 on Wednesday 26/02/2025.

We'll meet at The Flotterstone car park in Pentlands Regional Park at 10:15 am (Please note start time change for this one)

More information on the route will be advertised next week.


Wellbeing Shibashi

A gentle session for movement, balance and mobility, suitable for those looking to maintain and improve balance and improve mobility in later years. These sessions are more relaxed than traditional Tai Chi/Shibashi sessions and suitable for beginners.

Participants should be able to self mobilise and take instruction to attend the sessions.

Session takes place at Newtongrange Leisure Centre, Sundays 10:15 - 10:45.  The cost is £2

Also The Penicuik Centre - Wednesdays 13:30 - 14:15 - £2 (Session not on last Wednesday of every month)

More Shibashi sessions will follow at other venues in the near future.

This is a new addition to our 'Best Step Forward' programme currently running Strength & Balance sessions, Health Walks and Falls prevention sessions.

Any further questions please email:


Contact the centre to book a space, limited spaces available.

Sport & Leisure Wellbeing Team

Fairfield House
8 Lothian Road
EH22 3AA

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