This enquiry is for people:
- aged over 16 years only
- who live in Midlothian
- and who find it difficult to look after themselves.
Complete this form:
- for yourself
- or on behalf of someone else (with their consent)
- or on behalf of someone else (without consent if you have concerns about their wellbeing).
If your request is urgent then please call us:
- 0131 271 3900 during office hours (Monday - Thursday 9:00-17:00 and Friday 09:00-15:30)
- 0800 731 6969 out of office hours
- select 'Begin this form' (below). You don't need to sign in, as long as you complete each page in less than 10 minutes.
- or register and sign in with myaccount. If you are signed in, the form will save and you can finish it later. Your contact details will be already filled in.