- select 'Begin this form' (below). You don't need to sign in, as long as you complete each page in less than 10 minutes.
- or register and sign in with myaccount. If you are signed in, the form will save and you can finish it later. Your contact details will be already filled in.
Use this form to report a concern:
- for an adult (over 16 years) or older person only
- who lives in Midlothian
- and who may be at risk of harm and unable to protect themselves.
You can complete this form:
- on behalf of someone with their consent
- on behalf of someone without consent if you have concerns about their safety.
Please give as much information as you can about the person at risk and their circumstances.
Your details
We will not reveal any details, including your name, unless the safety of the person at risk requires it. Even if you do not give your name, we can still look into the person's care and welfare.
Please note that withholding your name can sometimes make it more difficult for us to investigate.
Urgent requests
If your request is urgent, please call:
- 0131 271 3900 during office hours (Monday - Thursday 9:00-17:00 and Friday 09:00-15:30).
- 0800 731 6969 out of office hours.
Child protection