The Integration Joint Board use a range of data to help them plan the services delegated to them.
They consult with people who use these services, their families and carers. They also use local and national data to help them assess and forecast the health and social care needs of the adult population of Midlothian. Together this data forms their Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).
In the themed pages below you can find:
- Local data on a range of measures
- Consultation reports
- Equality Impact Assessments
Useful Documents/Links:
- Population, Age, Sex, Ethnicity, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Religion or Belief
- Life Expectancy
- Mortality
- Inequality
Prevention & Early Intervention
Health Behaviours
- Diet & Healthy Weight
- Smoking
- Oral Health
- Sexual Health & Blood Borne Viruses
- Substance Use
- Mental Health, Social Isolation, Loneliness & Suicide
- Physical activity, falls & frailty
Population Groups
- Long term conditions - Cancer, Respiratory Conditions, Neurological Conditions, Stroke, Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes & Obesity
- People living with a disability
- Palliative Care
- Older People, Dementia
- Community Justice
- Primary Care - GPs, Prescribed Medication, Community Pharmacy
- Adult Social Care - Day Opportunities, Residential Care, Respite, Care at Home
- Hospitals - Unscheduled Care, A&E, Scheduled Care, Midlothian Community Hospital, Delayed Discharge
- Unpaid Carers
- Workforce & Third Sector
- Digital Health