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The Integration Joint Board uses data to plan, monitor and review services in Midlothian. This includes consultation with people who use these services, their families and carers to help them plan the services delegated to them. 

Useful Documents/Links:


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

Every Integrated Joint Board in Scotland is required to have a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment to help them assess and forecast the health and social care needs of their local adult population. We use this to plan and commission services to help meet health and social care needs and to ensure everyone in Midlothian leads longer and healthier lives. Midlothian’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is built from routinely available local data with comparisons made with Scottish data. The data is updated quarterly.

The main audience for the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment are health and social care commissioners who use it to plan services. It can also be used as an evidence base for preparing bids and business cases, by the voluntary and community sector, by service providers to assist in the future development of their services, and by the public to scrutinise local health and wellbeing information, plans and commissioning recommendations.

A development group oversees and guides our Joint Needs Assessment, including representatives from the NHS, Health and Social Care Partnership and Public Health Scotland. The group work with service and planning managers and other key stakeholders.


Contents of Joint Strategic Needs Assessment


Earlier intervention & wider determinants of health

Healthy Behaviours

Population Groups

Health conditions

Access to care