Support for adults over 65
Your support needs
Find out what's involved in assessing your needs for a care plan.
Directory of services for older people
Find out what services are available and how to access them in the Directory of services for older people living in Midlothian (PDF).
Self Directed Support (SDS)
SDS is about giving you choice and control over the support you get, to enable you to live as independently as possible.
Help with living at home
Are you having difficulty with daily tasks around the house? We offer aids and adaptations, a telecare package or home care, to help you stay in your home as long as possible.
- Help at home
- Alarm service
- Day care and support, lunch clubs, meals services
- Day centres directory
- If you receive Self Directed Support, you can use it to employ a Personal Assistant.
Residential care
If you are having difficulty living safely and well in your own home, there are a few options you can consider to help meet your needs.
- Housing options for older people
- Extra care housing
- Care homes and nursing homes
- Care homes directory
Paying for care
The amount you will need to pay depends on your financial circumstances.
For people with dementia
Power of Attorney
Every year thousands of people across Scotland lose capacity – it could be an accident, a head injury, a stroke or an ongoing progressive illness. The only way you can plan for your future is to appoint someone with Power of Attorney.