Employability support and guidance
Midlothian has a 3 year Employability Strategy & Action Plan. It sets out how we will design and deliver employability support to implement the 'No One Left Behind Policy'.
Communities, Lifelong Learning and Employability provide a variety of employability support for Midlothian residents, including:
- Accredited courses:
- National 5 Maths
- National 5 Early Learning and Childcare
- National Progression Award in Customer Service
- Employability Award Level 3 & 4
- Online job clubs
- Digital skills for employment
- 1 to 1 support with CVs, interview techniques, online applications and job searching.
For more information about any of the above matters please get in touch.
Contact us to find out about our services
Skills Development Scotland Drop-Ins
Speak to one of Skills Development Scotland's advisors for career information and guidance in the following locations:
- Mondays
- Midlothian Voluntary Action, 9am - 4pm
- Tuesdays
- Midlothian Campus, Edinburgh College, 9am - 5pm
- Wednesday
- Midlothian Campus, Edinburgh College, 10.30am - 5pm
- Thursday
- Gorebridge Beacon, 9.30am - 4.30pm
- Friday
- Midlothian Campus, Edinburgh College, 9am - 1pm
- Food Fact Friends, Penicuik, 2pm - 5pm
Call 0131 663 7287 to make an appointment or get further information.
My World of Work
- Explore your career options
- Find out about learning and training
- Get help with finding a job or volunteering.
Search My World of Work for opportunities in Midlothian
Employability and Learning Directory
The Employability and Learning Directory is a simple guide to a wide range of services which provide learning, training and employability options for people living in Midlothian.
You can use the directory to look for work, training or support with any employment-related matter. Service providers can also use it to help them refer clients to the most appropriate sources of support.
View the Employability and Learning Directory online
Recruitment and Skills Centre
The Recruitment and Skills Centre (RSC) at Fort Kinnaird shopping centre supports jobseekers to gain and retain employment. It works in partnership with other agencies (including Midlothian Council) to provide a service throughout Edinburgh, Midlothian and local areas.
This service includes maintaining a current list of local vacancies. RSC also supports jobseekers, such as help to create and update CVs, complete application forms and get access to information and events.
Visit the Recruitment and Skills Centre facebook page
For more information about any of the above matters please get in touch using the contact details below.
Careers in childcare
Many more staff will be needed in childcare.
Transferable Skills Academy
The Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal has launched a new Transferable Skills Academy. Its aim is to focus on transferable skills which can be applied to people in priority groups to help them into work. The first course has been developed in partnership with Midlothian Council.
A key part of The Transferable Skills Academy is a week-long customer service course. This is accredited by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), supplemented with employability support.
Find out more in our short video here.
- Find out more about the City Region Deal Integrated Regional Employability and Skills (IRES) Programme
- Email CLL@midlothian.gov.uk if you interested in finding out more about the Transferable Skills Academy
No One Left Behind (NOLB)
In addition to delivering council employability services funded by Scottish Government NOLB we also use this funding to support local organisations to offer bespoke supports.
Funding has been provided to the following organisations in 2024/25 to provide a variety of employability services.
NOLB Employability Customer Charter
The charter has been co-designed with users of employability services and agreed by partners across the Public, Third and Private sectors.
It establishes 3 commitments No One Left Behind funded services will make to users.
All NOLB services will:
- treat you with dignity and respect
- work for you
- learn and improve.
Each commitment sets out what users can expect when accessing employment services, what employment services will do to achieve this and how users can ensure the commitments are being met.
A Lived Experience Panel was established to create this document, which brought together users from groups likely to experience barriers to employment, including disabled people, ethnic minority groups and care experienced people.
An easy read version of the charter is also available.