Pest control

Other garden pests, woodlice and beetles


Woodlice, also known as slaters, are usually termed “casual invaders” and are not a public health concern. On the contrary: they are part of a complex community of organisms that builds and maintains the soil we depend on.

They rarely enter properties as they tend to favour damp areas. They can often be found under exterior flower pots and doormats, especially after rainfall.

However, if they are persistently entering your property then you could have an underlying problem. If this is the case then please contact us for advice.

Slugs and snails

We do not treat these as they are garden pests. If you decide to treat them, please select only products which are child and pet friendly. Be sure to use according to manufacturer instructions.

Garden beetles

There are many species of beetle you may come across. Although some may be larger than other pests we describe here, they usually are completely harmless and cannot damage your property.

These include Burying Beetles, Earwigs, Ground Beetles, Rove or Cocktail Beetles and Weevils. Ground beetles are predators, and are especially important in controlling garden slugs.