Adopt a green space
Your community group can adopt a green space in Midlothian, and maintain it along with the council for the benefit of the community and biodiversity.
How to adopt a green space
Complete the form to express an interest in adopting a green space.
We will share these details with staff, and may post it on this website.
The annual submission deadline is 29 April.
If you miss the deadline
Your group can still help maintain a green space and litter pick. However you will not have formally adopted the space.
Ongoing adoption
Once you adopt a green space, you must renew the adoption each year.
Optional tasks you can undertake
- Weeding of shrub beds, and streets, paths and pavements
- Shrub pruning
- Litter picking
- Planting. Where shrubs are removed, we can agree replacements.
- You can propose plans for wildflower or bulb areas.
Sight-lines must be kept clear and other maintenance tasks not affected. Plans must be clear so council staff do not cut the areas inadvertently.
Support from the council
- Grass edges will be strimmed twice a year in an adopted area.
- Grass cutting will continue as long as it's part of the plans.
- All chemical spraying in adopted areas will stop.
- Litter picking in these areas will continue unless otherwise arranged.
- We will collect green waste on request. We may issue some community group brown bins in the future. This is under discussion.
- Litter will be collected by waste services.
- Small quantities of bagged litter can be left at rubbish bins for collection.
- Special uplifts of large quantities of litter can be arranged through waste services by email. Provide a clear street address and photo of the bags to be uplifted.
- Black bags can be provided.
- You must not touch any needles or harmful substances.
- Bark mulch can be provided for any weeded and pruned beds over the winter months to supress weeds and improve the aesthetics.
- We will continue treating invasive weeds such as giant hogweed. Let us know (with a map if possible) of any problem areas.
Request help for a community litter pick.
Settling disputes
The adoption is on the understanding that we would take the area back into our maintenance regime if:
- we receive complaints
- weed issues are not dealt with for more than a month
- weed coverage exceeds 50% of shrub beds, or 50% of the kerb edges in the hard standing areas.
We would communicate at least twice highlighting the concerns. The Community Council may be asked to mediate.
Sharing feedback
Communication between the council, community groups and the wider community via the web or social media is important. It will help promote effective partnership, support biodiversity and maintenance of our green spaces.
Complete the form to express an interest in adopting a green space.