Health services for children
For life-threatening illness or injuries call:
- 999
Please remember that Emergency Department / A&E and 999 services across NHS Lothian are for genuine emergency situations only.
Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh
NHS 24
If your child is feeling ill when your doctor's surgery is closed and you feel you can't wait until it re-opens, call NHS 24. Calls are charged at a local rate.
- 111
- NHS 24 website
The NHS Helpline can provide you with details of pharmacies, GP practices and dental practices across Midlothian.
They can also provide information about illnesses and conditions, treatments, NHS services and other support services.
NHS Inform
NHS Inform is a new national health information service. Providing a co-ordinated approach and a single source of quality assured health information for the public in Scotland.
How to register with a GP
- 0131 537 8424
- NHS Lothian GPs
Post Natal Depression Service
We offer these confidential services:
- Individual or couples counselling
- Group therapy
- Art therapy
- Counselling and support services
- Baby massage classes
- Creche facilities
Contact us:
- 0131 538 7288
Health Visitors
NHS Health Visitor teams provide information and advice to parents of children ages 0-5 years.
Child health clinics are run by health visitors and GPs. They offer regular baby health and development reviews and vaccinations. You can also talk about any problems to do with your child
If your child is ill and likely to need treatment, it's best to make an appointment to see your GP. Contact your local group to find out about the full range of services in your area.
Your Health Visitor can provide advice on:
- The Lothian immunisation programme
- Baby massage
- Peep
- Breastfeeding support group
- Parent group
- Paediatric resuscitation and choking training
- Sleep problems
- Eating/feeding problems
- Bed wetting/potty training
- Tantrums/behavioural problems
- Any other issues of concern to parents of young children.
Contact details for children's health services in Midlothian
Speech and language therapists
If you are concerned about your child's speech, language or communication skills, or their eating, drinking and swallowing, call:
- 0131 454 9544 on Tuesdays 1pm to 4pm.
This will help us decide what help would suit the child or young person. This could be:
- Support and tailored advice for parents, carers and family
- Consultation and advice with education staff
- Signposting to resources and approaches that would support the child/young person
- Modelling activities for the family and education staff to use to support communication
- Assessment and direct support for the child or young person, individually or as part of a group.