Equally Safe in Midlothian Strategy launched

Helping prevent violence against women and girls

Midlothian’s Community Planning Partnership has approved The Equally Safe in Midlothian Strategy. This has been in development over the past 18 months. We listened to the views of 100 staff through a survey, and 55 staff attended a consultation event in August 2023. Lots of ideas were generated that we will take forward over the lifetime of this strategy. 
Joan Tranent, CSWO/Chief Operating Officer Children’s Services, Partnerships and Communities, Chair of the Leadership Group that developed the strategy said: “Looking at the national figures, we estimate that over 3,500 children in Midlothian are likely to have experienced domestic abuse – these are children we all know in our nurseries, schools, health settings and community groups. This strategy is a great step forward in demonstrating Midlothian’s commitment to preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls. Each and every one of us who works and lives in Midlothian has a responsibility in challenging and tackling gender inequality, and working together to improve outcomes for some of the most vulnerable people and communities in Midlothian. This strategy is the result of collaboration of partners over the past year, with the support of the Improvement Service, and I am proud of the work we have achieved so far.
"A plan to deliver the strategy is in development and the Community Planning Partnership will play a key role in its implementation.  In our first year, we will focus on raising awareness of the issues through training and communications, build a shared understanding of some of the language we use when talking about gender-based violence, and making best use of the resources such as programmes for early years and schools to strengthen our approaches to preventing gender based violence." 


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