Planning advice and guidance
Supplementary planning guidance
Supplementary planning guidance provides information and guidelines on policies in the Midlothian Local Plan. If you comply with the aims of the documents, you have a better chance of having your application approved.
Find guidance on Householder development:
- SPG: dormer windows (PDF)
- SPG: rear extensions to single storey terraces and semi-detached house (PDF)
Guidance on other types of development:
- Nature conservation planning guidance, 2021 (PDF)
- Affordable Housing (PDF)
- Developer Contributions (PDF)
Determination by Midlothian Council
Strategic Environmental Assessment: Dalkeith Regeneration Development Framework Planning Guidance
Midlothian Council has made a determination under Section 8(1) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 that a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Dalkeith Regeneration Development Framework Planning Guidance is not required as the guidance is unlikely to have significant environmental effects.
This determination is based on the view expressed in the Screening Report, and confirmed by the responses received from the consultation authorities.