Community Planning in Midlothian

Community Planning - Youth

A starting point for young people looking to be more involved in community decisions is the Midlothian Youth Platform (MYP).  The Midlothian Youth Platform is for young people aged 12-21 and is the way to have their voices heard in Midlothian. The group offers young people a way to make a difference in society by increasing their participation in decisions and having a collective youth voice.  It also gives young people an opportunity to be included in the process of policy making.

New members

This is a youth-led organisation, free from influence, where young people can give their views to policy makers without fear or barriers. The group meets twice a month and is always looking to welcome new members.


Midlothian Youth Bank

The Midlothian Youth Bank is a group of young people who help to allocate funding to youth groups across the area. It aims to be an effective, open, honest, inclusive and broadminded voice for young people in Midlothian. It also aims to empower young people by achieving social and economic objectives. The group champions the interests of young people and their right to be involved in decision making that impacts their lives.

More information

Midlothian Champions Board

Midlothian Champions Board is a platform for care experienced young people of all ages to come together and let their voice be heard in the care system - whether you have experienced or are currently experiencing foster care, kinship care, residential care, secure care, adoption or looked after at home on a CSO. Our aim is to make a better place for the current and future children’s voice to be heard through our many groups, 1-2-1’s, emails, social media or over the phone.


Your feedback is shared anonymously with corporate parents from Midlothian Council, NHS Lothian, Police Scotland, SDS, SCRA, SQA and many more, at least three times a year.


If you’d like to be listened to, and for changes to be made, contact us using social media:

Or phone:

  • 0131 270 5679

Other ways to get involved

There are many other ways for young people in Midlothian to be involved in community decisions. For other youth groups and surveys taking place across Midlothian, visit: