Community Planning in Midlothian

Midlothian will be safer

Community Justice is the prevention of offending and supporting a model of desistence and early intervention. It is the collection of individuals, agencies and services that work together to support, manage and supervise offenders, from arrest through prosecution, community disposal or custody, and their alternatives, until they reintegrate into the community.

Local communities and the third sector are a vital part of this process, which aims to prevent and reduce further offending and the harm that it causes, to promote desistance, social inclusion, and citizenship.

In line with the Scottish Government’s ‘Vision for Justice’ (Scottish Government, 2022) publication, alternatives to remand must be carefully considered.

The partnership's view is that short-term remand has little positive impact on those who have caused harm, or on the survivors of crime. The evidence shows that short-term remands have a bad effect on recidivism, and on family members affected by imprisonment, especially children.

Other disposals, including diversion from prosecution and Community Payback Orders (CPOs), still appear to be used inconsistently and are often dictated by crime index.  A wider analysis of risk, vulnerability and need is required to identify suitability that ensures Justice Social Work (JSW) assessments are considered key in decision making and risk management.

The need to prevent offending in the first instance and reduce further offending is a shared responsibility, as no single organisation possesses the entire range of skills and resources required to improve opportunities for those at risk and support desistance among those with a history of offending utilising a holistic and trauma-informed approach.

Within Midlothian’s Community Justice Partnership there are clear, shared aims as outlined in the action plan (CJOIP).

We are committed to supporting and developing our community justice workforce to ensure we work in a co-productive, engaged, flexible way to improve the outcomes for everyone living in Midlothian.

Organisations on the Community Safety & Justice Partnership

  • Police Scotland
  • Health Board
  • Scottish Fire & Rescue Service
  • Scottish Prison Service
  • Children & Families Social Work 
  • Community Planning
  • Third Sector Voluntary Interface
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Thriving Survivors
  • The SOLD Network 
  • Health in Mind
  • Families Outside
  • Woman’s Aid East & Midlothian 
  • Public Protection Office (East & Midlothian)