Secure email guide
To protect sensitive information, we sometimes send emails using a secure encrypted email service - Egress Protect.
How to read secure emails sent from Midlothian Council
If you have been sent a secure email you will receive a message with the Midlothian logo and text referring to Egress, with a link to open the email.
If this is the first time you have received a secure email, you will need to create an Egress account.
- Select the "Open secure email" link in the message.
- Select the "New user?" link to create an Egress account (accounts are free).
- Enter your name, email address (where the encrypted email has been sent) and a password. Your email address will be your "Egress ID".
- You will be sent an activation code to confirm your email address.
- Enter the activation code to finish.
Download a more detailed guide on Egress (PDF)
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