Report a road fault
Report potholes, blocked gullies, broken street lights and more.
Trunk roads
Mains water or sewer problems
- Call Scottish Water customer care: 08000 778 778
Roads that Midlothian Council maintain
These are called adopted roads. Find out more about adopted roads.
Report a problem with roads or streets
Use a different form to report broken street lights.
Report a street lighting fault
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Having problems submitting this form?Related Downloads
- Public roads in Midlothian
- Road occupation permit application forms
- Road excavation application forms and specifications
- Tables and chairs application form
- Roads and pavements standards
- Application forms to construct a new road
- Winter service policy and operational plan
- Cycling - commuting by bike
- Road Services standard drawings
- Road safety and action plans
- Priority gritting routes map
- Winter parking restrictions