Development guidelines for streets
National Roads Development Guide
Scottish Collaboration of Transportation Specialists (SCOTS) has developed a National (Scottish) Roads Development Guide for streets.
Whilst we adopt this, there are some local variations. We have revised our standard drawings to accommodate them. These guidelines and drawings will evolve as we gain experience of new street layouts.
Early meetings
In this period of transition, it is important that early meetings are set up with transportation representatives before any design takes place.
The new policy
In the meantime refer to the government policy itself for guidance. The most radical changes are in:
Other new policy and guidance includes:
- SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) for roads
- Cycling design 2010 (PDF)
Other standards you will still need
Three parts of our previous Development Standards for Roads still apply in this transition period. These are:
- Parking standards (PDF)
- Street lighting standards (PDF)
- Structures standards (PDF) and Structures standards update (PDF)
Please also refer to:
Embrace the whole ethos
Initial concerns are that the road safety and traffic management of these new road layouts depends on both achieving target 20mph traffic speeds and the traffic permeability throughout the development, into adjacent developed land, and onto the existing road network.
In order to achieve these aims a collaboration of measures will be needed. Therefore we will be wary of designs that do not embrace the whole ethos.
Existing streets and transition from old to new
Any improvements to existing streets should be considered carefully, as these areas may not be designed in the same way.
Likewise the transition from existing to new streets should also be considered.
Trunk roads
Trunk Roads are still subject to these standards:
- Design manual for roads and bridges
- Roads for All supersedes some of the above.
It may be necessary to refer to the Trunk Road standards for developments on or near Trunk Roads, and/or Local Authority busy commuter routes.
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