Development plans and policies

How to get involved

We have opened a Call for Ideas and Opportunities to provide individuals, communities, landowners, developers or any other interested people, businesses or organisations with the chance to put forward ideas, opportunities or suggestions on matters or sites they would like to have included in the new Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP2).

It is open to everyone to propose ideas for any aspect of MLDP2, and is not limited to suggestions for development sites.

Local Development Plans set out how an area should look in the future by deciding the type and scale of development, where buildings should be allowed, how land should be used and where existing spaces and buildings should be protected.

We would like to hear your thoughts on how land might be used in the future such as for green space, nature, new housing, employment, infrastructure, community use, or renewable energy. Climate change will need to be a central part of MLDP2. Therefore, ideas on this and related matters such as flooding and food security would be welcome.

Putting forward policy ideas

This Call for Ideas and Opportunities is not just about promoting or allocating sites for development.   We would also like to hear your ideas on policy approaches to matters covered by local development plans, for example, active travel infrastructure, community facilities, affordable housing, land for gypsies and travellers, tourist accommodation and facilities, greenspaces, promoting biodiversity and adapting to our changing climate. The Scottish Government's National Policy Framework 4 (NPF4) sets the overall policy on many of these topics. The role of MLDP2 is to supplement these policies within the specific local context of Midlothian. Policy Ideas should be submitted using our online ideas and opportunities formWe will only accept submissions from commercial organisations that have used the online forms. Simply referring to attached documents and not filling in the online forms will not be permitted.

Putting forward a site for protection

If you would like to put forward a site for protection against development or changes of use, for example, due to its community or biodiversity value, please use our online site protection form. Completed forms must be accompanied by a map.

Putting forward a site for allocation

If you are seeking the allocation of a particular site for development in MLDP2, please use our site submission form.  Completed forms must be accompanied by a map.

The site submission form requires key information on site characteristics and deliverability that the Council will need to consider when determining whether to make a site allocation. Our Site Selection Methodology identifies the factors which will be used to assess sites and is available alongside the submission form.

It is open to anyone to propose a site for development and the Council will consider every site put to it. For clarity, no guarantees are given that any site promoted will be allocated for development.

The Council is aware that some site promoters have already submitted proposals, these will be considered as part of the site selection process.  We will be in touch with site promoters where further information is required. 

Community groups

If you represent or are part of a community group which has already submitted a Local Place Plan (LPP) there is no need for you to submit further information. However, you can do so if you wish. The Council will consider proposals contained within the submitted LPPs.  The Council would be interested to hear from those communities that were not able to submit a LPP in time for the Evidence Report.

How and when to send us your suggestions

The Call for Ideas and Opportunities is now open and closes on the 1st of October 2024.  Submissions can be at any time until then.

We will only accept submissions from commercial organisations that have used the online forms. Simply referring to attached documents and not filling in the online forms will not be permitted. For non-commercial organisations and individuals, if you are not able to fill in the online forms please email or contact us on tel. 0131 271 3302 and leave a voice message to arrange an alternative method.

Engagement with children and young people

We are engaging with children and young people throughout the preparation of MLDP2.  Information on what we have done so far can be found in our Children and Young People Participation Report. It is available alongside the other MLDP2 materials presented to Planning Committee on June the 4th 2024.


Engagement activities we have already carried out with children and people up to 25 years old, May to November 2023.
Month Age group Activity Facilitator Coverage
May - August 2023 4 - 10 year olds Online Place Standard Survey Midlothian Council Online Survey available for all Midlothian 5 -10-year-olds.
May - August 2023 11 - 15 year olds Online Place Standard Survey Midlothian Council

Online Survey available for all Midlothian 11 - 15-year-olds.

Published on Young Scot Page.  Young Scot points gained for completing the survey.

May - August 2023 16 - 25 year olds Online Place Standard Survey Midlothian Council

Online Survey available for all Midlothian 16 - 25-year-olds.

Published on Young Scot Page.  Young Scot points gained for completing the survey.

May - June 2023 8 - 12 year olds Interactive Place Standard mapping sessions in school Midlothian Council - Planning Officer with support of Parental and Learner Liaison Officer

All Primary Schools invited.

Six Primary Schools visited.

May - June 2023

11 - 14 year olds

Interactive Place Standard mapping sessions in school Midlothian Council - Planning Officer with support of Parental and Learner Liaison Officer Two Secondary Schools
May - June 2023 9 - 18 year olds Interactive Place Standard mapping sessions Midlothian Council Planning Officer Various Council run youth groups
June 2023 Saltersgate School Focus group with parents Midlothian Council - Planning Officer with support of Parental and Learner Liaison Officer Saltersgate School
June 2023 - July 2023 Early Years - Primary 4 "Me and My Place" drawing activity to be completed in school or at home Midlothian Council with the support of schools advertising in parent newsletters.

All Primary Schools

All of Midlothian - published via Midlothian Council social media pages. 

September 2023 16 - 24 year olds Focus group, based on principals of Place Standard Tool Midlothian Council Planning Officers Youth Councils - Midlothian Youth Platform and Midlothian Youth Champions
October 2023 16 - 25 year olds Stall in foyer of Edinburgh College, Midlothian Campus Midlothian Council Planning Officers Edinburgh College Students