Ageing Well - activities for over 50s

Be-active membership

If you complete 4 weeks of any of the activities in the Ageing Well Be-active programme, we will offer you free membership. We will invite you to register.


  • Opportunity to improve your mental health and well-being by keeping active.
  • Regular contact with updated information on special events and programme changes, as well as an opportunity to help plan new activities to expand our Be-active programme.
  • Options to train as an Ageing Well volunteer and encourage others to stay active.
  • Special discount, no joining fee (£31.90) when purchasing an Active Golden 65+ tonezone membership.
  • Discounts and special offers available from various businesses
  • Meeting other people with similar interests.

Can I join in any of the activities?

If you are 50 or over, you can attend any of the classes/walking groups in the Ageing Well project. You are advised to book onto some of the classes which have limited spaces.

All walks are free and everyone is welcome. All volunteer led classes are £2.   

Always wear suitable footwear and clothing when participating.

Remember, you are the best person to monitor your own physical condition during exercise. If any unusual symptoms occur, immediately stop what you are doing and inform the instructor or volunteer. You may be advised to stop exercising and see your doctor before continuing the Be-active programme.

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